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378 Commercial St

378 Commercial St
Historic District Survey information for 378 Commercial St
Architectural Description: 378 Commercial St. is a 2-story, 3-bay, Italianate-style dwelling; historic ell and rear additions; gable-front roof is sheathed in asphalt shingles, full cornice return, shed and hipped dormers, brick chimney; exterior is clad in asbestos shingles with flat wood fascia board and trim; building sits on a brick foundation; fenestration includes paired and single 2/1 DHS windows, wood window trim, inoperable shutters; 1-story enclosed porch on front facade; entry door sheltered by a 1-story open porch on front of ell; paired end brackets; paired scroll-sawn brackets with pendants under gable and cornice eaves. Rear facade is a former 2-story, 3-bay dwelling with Queen Anne details now attached to main section by a 2-story, 4-bay ell section; 2/2 DHS wood with storm; pane-and-panel door in ell with simple wood surround; the rear of the main block is a 1-story flat roof addition with historic door and 2/2 DHS; deck above with staircase to 3rd-story addition; right side facade consists of ell addition setback from primary facade; ell addition has similar cornice on roof of open porch; porch is supported by Doric columns; paired modern doors with single light transom; wood deck with balustrade and brick steps; picket fence around front yard.
Historical Narrative: w 62 c1930s; Currently "Somerset House" (2003).
Commercial Street (Provincetown, Mass.), Dwellings, and Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown
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