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Showing all archives in the Text format, Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century subject
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  • Scrapbooks of Althea Boxell (1/19/1910 - 10/4/1988), Book 9, Page181
    1939 articles about the Steel Pier's first trip to Provincetown. Picture of Provincetown boys...
    Collection: Dowd
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Boats and boating, Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century, Waterfronts, and Wharfs
  • A Book About the Artists, Nancy W. Paine Smith
    A Book About the Artists: Who They Are, What They Do, Where They Live, How They Look. A book by...
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Art, Art Museums, and Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century
  • Old Home Day
    Resolution in 1960 declaring "Old Home Day" the last Sunday in June which would happen...
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Blessing of the Fleet and Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century
  • Selectmens Response to SCRAM
    Selectmens' response to SCRAM in August of 1975
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century and Provincetown (Mass.) Board of Selectmen
  • 50th Blessing of the Fleet
    Program booklet for the First Annual Provincetown Portuguese Festival (50th Blessing of the...
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Advertising, Blessing of the Fleet, and Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century
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