Moffett Collection
Showing all archives in the Moffett collection, Photo format, Art subject
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Photo of the artists Edwin Dickinson, Ross Moffett and Karl Knaths outside the Provincetown Art...Collection: MoffettFormat: PhotoSubjects: Art, Art Museums, Dickinson, Edwin, Knaths, Karl, and Moffett, Ross
Black and white photo looking west on Commercial Street in the East End,1900 - 1906, in the...Collection: MoffettFormat: PhotoSubjects: Art, Art Museums, Art galleries, Commercial, Commercial Street (Provincetown, Mass.), Cook Street (Provincetown, Mass.), Dwellings, Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown, Historic buildings--Massachusetts-Provincetown, Provincetown Art Association & Museum, and MacMillan, Donald B.
Photograph of Ross Moffett at age 20 (1908).Collection: MoffettFormat: PhotoSubjects: Art, Biography, Emergency Committee for the Preservation of the Province Lands. (Provincetown, Mass.), Families, Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century, and Moffett, Ross
Photograph of Ross Moffett at age 32 (1920).Collection: MoffettFormat: PhotoSubjects: Art, Biography, Emergency Committee for the Preservation of the Province Lands. (Provincetown, Mass.), Families, Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century, and Moffett, Ross
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