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Borkowski Collection

Showing all archives in the Borkowski collection, Artwork format, Advertising fliers subject
Items per page:
  • Block Print Designs from Methodist Church Cookbook
    Example of Linoleum Block printing designs from Provincetown Methodist Church Cookbook.
    Collection: Borkowski
    Format: Artwork
    Subjects: Advertising, Advertising fliers, Art, Churches, and Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century
  • David C. Stull, advertising blotters
    Advertising for David C. Stull "The Ambergris King", refiner of whale/fish oils. The...
    Collection: Borkowski
    Format: Artwork
    Subjects: Advertising, Advertising fliers, Art, Fishing, Whaling--Massachusetts--History, Commercial Street (Provincetown, Mass.), East End (Provincetown, Mass.), Provincetown (Mass.)--History--19th century, Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century, Whaling, Atlantic Fisherman, New Bedford (Mass.), and Business
  • Blanche Lazzell: clipping archive
    Blanche Lazzell materials
    Collection: Borkowski
    Format: Artwork
    Subjects: Advertising, Advertising fliers, and Art
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