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Municipal Collection

Showing all archives in the Municipal collection, Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century subject
Items per page:
  • Trap Fishing Photographs
    Trap fishing photographs taken by Bill Berradi, taken in the 1970's. Loaned to the Provincetown...
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Photo
    Subjects: Fish trade--Massachusetts--Provincetown, Fish trapping, Fishermen, Harbors--Provincetown--Mass, and Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century
  • Telephone Topics 1945
    "Telephone Topics" of August 1945 announcing the arrival of updated telephone service...
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Advertising, Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century, and Town Crier
  • Disaster of the S-4 Submarine
    An article on the disaster of the S-4 submarine in 1927.
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century, Shipwrecks, Shipwrecks--Massachusetts--Provincetown, and Shipwrecks--Massachusetts--Truro
  • Roy Cohn
    Life Magazine, March 1988, article on Roy Cohn by Nicholas von Hoffman.
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Biography and Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century
  • Provincetown This Year - 1943
    "Picture News", August 1943, article on "Provincetown This Year" by Eric Godal
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Fishermen, Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century, Waterfronts, and Wharfs
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