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Municipal Collection

Showing all archives in the Municipal collection, Text format, Art galleries, Commercial subject
Items per page:
  • Lester Johnson
    A “Provincetown Arts” (1996) article by Burt Chernow on the artist’s life and work in Provincetown.
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Art, Art galleries, Commercial, and Biography
  • Ivan Karp
    A “Provincetown Arts” (1990) interview by Ann Wilson Lloyd with Ivan Karp and Lewis Pollock.
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Art, Art galleries, Commercial, and Biography
  • John Kearney
    “Inside Provincetown (1966) biography and “Provincetown Banner” (August 11, 2005) article by Ann...
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Art, Art galleries, Commercial, and Biography
  • Weldon Kees
    Two “Provincetown Arts” (1987) articles by James Reidel and Fritz Bultman about the artist and...
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Art, Art galleries, Commercial, and Biography
  • Karl Knaths
    Articles from “Inside Provincetown” (1966) and from “Provincetown Arts (1989) by Charles Giuliano...
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Art, Art galleries, Commercial, Biography, and Death
Items per page:

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