Kelly’s Corner 136 - Yoga, Silk & Feathers
Jan Kelly writes a weekly column for Provincetown Magazine. Marek arrived from Wraslav, Poland, 25 years ago. He and Jamie have been married for 22 years. They have been operating Silk and Feathers for 20 years .Marek and Jamie started by selling pillows, thus "Silk & Feathers." The other "bit"? Yoga ...."In 1980," Marek begins, "Paul Richards gave me a catalog from Kripalu in Lenox, Massachusetts. He wanted someone to go with him . We were exploring the healing arts, and so the three of us went. The weekend was one of welcome and orientation. We started gently with yoga, then we returned for some workshops and then onto yoga teacher-training in 1987. I began teaching at the Community Center in 1987."
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