Joyce Johnson Interviews Ida Crocker, Pt.1 (9-10 & 12-9, ??)

Joyce Johnson WOMR "Sands of Time" interview with Ida Roderick Crocker, Pt.1 ((10 & 12-9,??). Born in Provincetown, moved with Lawyer husband to Mid-west / Ohio; returned home after his death, and lived in Truro since 1979.
She talks here of her family history in trap (weir) fishing.
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Joyce Johnson |
Art, Autobiography, Biography, Boats and boating, Boston Post, Cold Storages, Commercial Street (Provincetown, Mass.), Death, Dories (boats), Families, Fathers, Fish trapping, Fishermen, Fishers--Massachusetts--Provincetown, Fishes, Fishing, Fishing nets, Guesthouses, Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown, MacMillan Wharf (Provincetown, Mass.), Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century, Schooners, Shipwrecks, Weirs, Vorse, Mary Heaton, and Business |
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