Joyce Johnson Interviews Ciro Cozzi and Sal DelDeo, Pt. 2(7-23-04)

Joyce Johnson WOMR "Sands of Time" interview with Ciro Cozzi and Sal DelDeo on July 23, 2004 Ciro Cozzi and Sal DelDeo. Two Art Students who met in Provincetown, post WWI, as students of Henry Henshe; and who laughingly reminisce ultimately opening a community focused restaurant together, neither ever having been a chef. They talk of Art-based events that have been plagued with a lack of resolve, and with the submissions thereto never having been seen again. They discuss the 2004-present controversy regarding the building of the new wing of the Provincetown Art Association and Museum (PAAM). | |
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Joyce Johnson |
Architecture, domestic--Massachusetts--Provincetown, Art, Art Museums, Autobiography, Biography, Fires, Fishermen, Fishing boats--Massachusetts--Provincetown, Historic buildings--Massachusetts-Provincetown, Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century, Provincetown Art Association & Museum, Provincetown Print (White-line woodblock print), Provincetown Printers, Unitarian Universalist Meeting House, and Knaths, Karl |
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