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620 Commercial St

620 Commercial St
Historic District Survey information for 620 Commercial St
Architectural Description: 620 Commercial Street is a 2-story dwelling with a clipped gable and side ell. The full-facade front porch has a hipped roof and wraps around both sides of the projecting clipped gable section and contains turned posts, knee braces and a wood deck. Plank boards skirt the bottom of the porch. Part of the porch has been enclosed and contains a bowed window with casements and a 2/1 DHS. Tripartite 1/1 DHS windows with wood trim and applied detail occupy the gable end. There is a brick chimney near the junction of the main portion of the house and the ell. A skylight is located in the main side roof slope. The ell side has 2/1 wood DHS and 6/1 wood DHS. Eaves contains decorative bargeboard. Main entrance has paired plank doors and 6-light windows. The right side facade has a shed-roof, 1-story section with brick chimney, exposed rafter ends, 2/1 DHS, multi-light awning window, hipped bay and an exterior shower stall with pergola and plank sides. Rear contains a 2nd story with clipped gables that overhangs 1st story. Lattice 1/2 wall.
Commercial Street (Provincetown, Mass.), Dwellings, and Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown
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