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160 Commercial St

160 Commercial St
Historic District Survey information for 160 Commercial St
Architectural Description: 160 Commercial St. is a 2-1/2-story, 4-bay, Italianate-style dwelling; side-gable roof is clad in wood shingles, overhanging eave, dentils and brackets at cornice, two interior brick chimneys with corbelled caps and two shed dormers on front roof slope; exterior is clad in clapboard with wood trim; building sits on a brick foundation; fenestration includes full-length 2/2 wood DHS windows with flat hoods and wood sills on 1st floor, 2/2 wood DHS with crowns and wood sills on 2nd story, paired 6-pane wood casement windows in shed dormers; 4/4 wood DHS; porch deck is wood; primary entrance on side facade is accessed by paired pane-and-panel wood doors (historic Victorian era) with 2-light transom, entrance is sheltered by hipped hood supported by brackets with dentils; octagonal cupola centered on roof ridge has short spire, 2/2 wood DHS, dentils and brackets to match house; original building footprint probably L-shaped; rear 2-story and 1-story sections in L-shape all contain same Italianate detailing as front (i.e., 2/2 wood, dentils and brackets); side facade has 2nd-story hipped-roof screened porch with scalloped eave that sits on top of a 1st-story flat-roof porch with roof-top balustrade; two Chinese statues flank walkway and Grecian female statue located in yard.
Historical Narrative: As per Tom Boland (1994): The house is noted on the 1858 and 1880 atlases as belonging to Mr. W.A. Atkins. IN 1907, E.A. Grozier of Boston used the house as his summer home.
Bibliography and/or References: Barnstable County Atlas., 1880. Barnstable County Atlas., 1907. Cape Cod Directory, 1901. The Extremity of Cape Cod. Map, 1836. H.F. Wallings Co. Map of Provincetown Village. Atlas, 1858. Resident Directory. W.F. Richardson & Co., 1886. Resident Directory. W.H. Hopkins, 1889.
Commercial Street (Provincetown, Mass.), Dwellings, and Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown
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