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175 Commercial St

175 Commercial St
Historic District Survey information for 175 Commercial St
Architectural Description: 175 Commercial St. is a 3-story, 4-to-5-bay Queen Anne-style dwelling; hipped cross-gable roof is sheathed in asphalt shingles; exterior is clad in wood shingles with wood trim; building sits on a brick foundation; fenestration includes 6/1 and 1/1 vinyl DHS; primary entrance is accessed through a 1-story flat-roof open porch on the front facade supported by Ionic columns on brick piers with matchstick balustrade and center pediment over steps with foliated ornamentation in the tympanum; center of front facade is recessed between a turret on one corner and a square bay tower on the other corner; 2nd- and 3rd-story balconies on front facade are accessed by modern French doors and reached by an exterior wood staircase.
Historical Narrative: w 32 c. 1940; Currently called "Anchor Inn" (2003).
Commercial Street (Provincetown, Mass.), Dwellings, and Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown
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