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1 Baker Ave

1 Baker Ave
Historic District Survey information for 1 Baker Ave
Architectural Description: 1 Baker Avenue is a 1 1/2-story, 4-bay 3/4 cottage. The building is clad in clapboard on the primary facade, and wood shingles on the secondary facades. The side gable roof is clad in new wood shingles; shed wall dormer on rear (north) facade; interior brick chimney at center of peak. The main entry consists of a wood panel door offset to the right with full Greek Revival wood door surround with pilasters and entablature top; fanlight is boarded up. Fenestration includes 2/1 wood DHS with wood surround; operable shutters; 2/1 wood DHS in west gable flanked by 4-pane wood casements; 6/6 wood window on rear (north) facade. A 1 1/2-story, side gable section located in northeast corner of house, with wood panel door on south side, 6/6 wood DHS in east gable end, brick foundation, and interior north slope brick chimney.
Historical Narrative: As per Tom Boland (1994): #1 Baker Avenue first appears on the 1836 map and then again on the 1858 version. In 1880, its shown as being owned by J. Baker, implying that is where the name of the street came from. In 1907, it was owned by C. Baker, likely an heir to the 1880 owner.
Bibliography and/or References: Barnstable County Atlas., 1880. Barnstable County Atlas., 1907. Cape Cod Directory, 1901. H.F. Wallings Co. Map of Provincetown Village. Atlas, 1858. The Extremity of Cape Cod. Map, 1836. Provincetown Advocate. November 11, 1984. Resident Directory. W.F. Richardson & Co., 1886. Resident Directory. W.H. Hopkins, 1889. Sanborn Fire Insurance Company. Map, 1889. Sanborn Fire Insurance Company. Map, 1902.
Baker Avenue (Provincetown, Mass.), Dwellings, and Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown
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