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100 Bradford St

100 Bradford St
Historic District Survey information for 100 Bradford St
Architectural Description: This is a 2 1/2-story, 3-bay building. The 2nd story slightly overhangs the 1st on the side elevation. A section of patterned brickwork veils ventilation utilities. Windows are 12/12 DHS on the 1st story and single-pane bay, fixed pane and casements above. A brick stoop with metal railing leads to a modern door. The left side facade has an interior brick chimney, replacement 1/1 DHS in the 2nd story, canted bay window and 12/12 wood DHS windows in the 1st story. The DHS windows in the 1st story have large metal shutters with bolt mechanisms to keep them open. The rear facade contains 1/1 DHS replacement windows, and paired casements in gable end. The right side facade has exterior wood steps to 3rd story entry and one former entrance filled with brick.
Bradford Street (Provincetown, Mass.), Dwellings, and Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown
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