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189 Commercial St

189 Commercial St
Historic District Survey information for 189 Commercial St
Architectural Description: 189 Commercial St. is a 2-story, 2-bay Italianate-style former fire house that has been converted to residential use; gable-front roof is sheathed in asphalt shingles and has partial cornice returns, exterior brick chimney on rear facade; exterior is clad in wood shingles with wood trim; building sits on a new poured concrete foundation; fenestration includes single 6/6 wood DHS windows, window in gable end has segmental arch surround; primary entrance is an overhead garage door constructed of wood drop siding with two single-pane windows; slab wood entry door is adjacent to garage door; decorative 1st-story cornice above doors is supported by scroll-sawn brackets.
Historical Narrative: As per Josephine Del Deo (1977). "Fire House No. 2" As per Tom Boland (1994): "On March 7, 1835 the Fire Department was created through a vote of town meeting. In 1850, another engine was purchased and established in the former firehouse at 351 Commercial Street. In May of 1859, A Board of Engineers was formed to expand the Department and oversee the acquisition of more equipment and the construction of five new stations. The first fire chief was E.G. Loring. The dates of these equipment purchases were: No. 1 (117 Commercial) 1868, No. 4 (189 Commercial) 1868, No. 5 (514 Commercial) 1869, No. 2 (252 Commercial) 1871. Constructed around 1868 under the direction of John D. Hilliard, Chief of the Board of Engineers, 189 Commercial Street served as the "Excelsior" Engine #4 so named after the fire engine. The original engine was built in Boston by Hunneman & Co. in 1854. According to Jennings, the officers of the company as of January 1, 1890, were: Wallace M. Burch, Foreman; Frank Burnett, First Assistant; L.A. Smith, Second Assistant; and, Stephen A. Childs, Clerk. In 1993, the house ceased operation.
Commercial Street (Provincetown, Mass.), Dwellings, and Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown
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