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67 Bradford St

67 Bradford St
Historic District Survey information for 67 Bradford St
Architectural Description: 67 Bradford Street is a 1 1/2-stories, 5-bay, Italianate building; the cross gable roof is clad in wood shingles, has partial cornice returns, and there is a gabled dormer on the front roof slope of the ell, an exterior brick chimney is located on the south facade; The front facade, facing Carver Street, is clad in clapboard, while secondary facades are clad in plain and staggered wood shingles, and the foundation is brick; the fenestration includes 2/1 vinyl DHS, bay windows with flat roofs, dentils and paired brackets at the eaves are located in the gable front section and in the ell, windows have simple wood trim; two primary entrances contains wood pane and panel doors and are supported by decorative brackets, the entrance on left is flanked by sidelights.
Historical Narrative: Currently called "The Brass Key Guesthouse"; Formerly known as 12 Carver Street
Bradford Street (Provincetown, Mass.), Dwellings, and Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown
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