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7 Commercial St

7 Commercial St
Historic District Survey information for 7 Commercial St
Architectural Description: This 2-family cottage is Nos. 1 and 5 and is identical in design to Nos. 3-4. It is a 1-story, u-shaped cottage approximately eleven bays long. Varying rooflines suggest multiple structures combined into one building. 2 massive brick interior chimneys are located at the juncture between the outer ells and the central section. Windows consist of six-over-six double hung wood sash, 4-pane wood casements and 24-pane picture windows. Windows are flanked by operable louvered shutters. The building contains 3 entrances on the front facade that include a central recessed entry porch with 3 archways and 2 flush entries with flanking pilasters. All doors are multi-paneled wood.
Historical Narrative: The National Register Nomination states this structure was built c. 1930, however the massive central chimney suggest a much earlier construction date.
Commercial Street (Provincetown, Mass.), Dwellings, and Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown
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