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8 Winthrop St

8 Winthrop St
Historic District Survey information for 8 Winthrop St
Architectural Description: 8 Winthrop Street is a 1-story, 5-bay center entry cottage. Side-gable roof with central brick chimney and 3 gable dormers on front (symmetrically placed). Shed dormer on rear slope. Panel door with storm, pilasters and fanlight; brick stoop. Windows include 12/12 wood DHS with storms and louvered shutters, with 6/6 wood DHS in dormers. Rear ell with brick chimney at ridge; grouped 6-light casement windows. Building clad in aluminum and much of trim wrapped.
Historical Narrative: As per Tom Boland (1994): The house at 8 Winthrop Street, although shown on earlier maps, was owned by J.C. Whelden in 1880. By 1901-1907 the house had changed hands to a Benjamin Kelley who was employed at the United States Lifesaving Station, a forerunner of the U.S. Coast Guard.
Bibliography and/or References: Barnstable County Atlas., 1880. Barnstable County Atlas., 1907. Cape Cod Directory, 1901. H.F. Wallings Co. Map of Provincetown Village. Atlas, 1858. Resident Directory. W.F. Richardson & Co., 1886. Resident Directory. W.H. Hopkins, 1889.
Dwellings, Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown, and Winthrop Street (Provincetown, Mass.)
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