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255-257 Commercial St

255-257 Commercial St
Historic District Survey information for 255-257 Commercial St
Architectural Description: 255-257 Commercial St. is a 2-story, 6-bay, Italianate-style commercial building; cross-gable roof is sheathed in asphalt shingles, full cornice returns, interior brick chimney at peak; exterior is clad in asbestos shingles and wood shingles with wood corner pilasters and trim; building sits on a brick foundation and a modern addition sits on a concrete block foundation; fenestration includes 6/6 wood DHS windows, single-pane plate glass storefront windows with paneling below in storefront, 2/2 wood DHS in historic rear ell, 1/1 vinyl DHS in small 1-story addition; Greek Revival details evident in 2nd-story corner pilasters and entablature; recessed entry contains a modern door and sliding glass doors; detailed Greek Revival entrance on west side containing denticulated pediment with Tuscan columns and original wood pane and panel door.
Historical Narrative: As per Tom Boland (1994): The former address for this location is 246 Commercial Street. The building at 255-257 Commercial Street is first noted on the 1858 atlas where it is a furniture store. It stood at the head of what was then Cook's Wharf which is previously noted as Young's Wharf in 1836. By 1880, it is shown as being the site of a furniture store and restaurant and was owned by J. West. In 1901, it was still owned by Joseph A. West and was the site of the Provincetown Post Office where Mr. West was Postmaster. This building, in concert with 251-253 Commercial are excellent examples of early wharf head buildings. Both survive largely intact from their original design and create a definite sense of streetscape in this part of town.
Bibliography and/or References: Barnstable County Atlas., 1880. Barnstable County Atlas., 1907. Cape Cod Directory, 1901. The Extremity of Cape Cod. Map, 1836. H.F. Wallings Co. Map of Provincetown Village. Atlas, 1858. Resident Directory. W.F. Richardson & Co., 1886. Resident Directory. W.H. Hopkins, 1889. Ruckstuhl, Irma. Old Provincetown in Early Photographs. Toronto, 1987.
Commercial Street (Provincetown, Mass.), Dwellings, and Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown
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