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446 Commercial St

446 Commercial St
Historic District Survey information for 446 Commercial St
Architectural Description: 446 Commercial St. is a 1-1/2-story, 5-bay, Greek Revival-style, center entry cottage; side-gable roof is sheathed in asphalts shingles, partial cornice returns, hipped dormer centered on front roof slope, brick end chimney; exterior is clad in clapboard siding with wood corner pilasters, entablature and trim; building sits on a raised brick foundation; fenestration includes 1/1 DHS, paired 1/1 DHS windows in hipped dormer, storm windows; enclosed entry vestibule in center bay has a flat roof and trim board under the eave; porch with deck on left side; rear ell addition, left side facade has an entry, 6/6 replacement DHS with modillioned lintels and retractable awnings, exterior steps to 3rd-story entrance, engaged fluted columns; large gable dormer with partial cornice returns and brick ridge chimney on rear ell; multiple rear decks.
Commercial Street (Provincetown, Mass.), Dwellings, and Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown
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