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522 Commercial St

522 Commercial St
Historic District Survey information for 522 Commercial St
Architectural Description: Obscured from view
Historical Narrative: As per Mary Avellar (1976) Late 1700s Own 1858 Mrs. Sarah Whorf The 1858 Walling map and the 1880 map of Provincetown show Mrs. S. Whorf as the owner of the Cape Cod cottage. Its original ownership is not known. The house numbers of the 1996 Residence Directory list the number as 475 Commercial; however it is well to note that the numbering of Commercial Street was changed. Historic District Study Com. Minutes April 3, 1974: John Bell pointed out that about 1900-05 the house numbers in Provincetown were changed. Numbers were also switched from one side of the street to the other, making it difficult to trace house sites before that date. This house has been occupied by several artist, amount the Arnold Geisbuhler sculptor and William Boogar, bronze sculptor and artist who traveled with Admiral MacMillan on his northern explorations on a number of occasions. IT is now occupied by the writer, George Grotz.
Commercial Street (Provincetown, Mass.), Dwellings, and Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown
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