240 Bradford St
Historic District Survey information for 240 Bradford St | |
Architectural Description: 240 Bradford Street is a 2-story, 3-bay, Colonial Revival-style dwelling; the roof is side gambrel, there is a brick chimney at the roof ridge and a shed dormer; the first floor of the front facade is clad in clapboard siding, the secondary facades are wood shingle and the foundation is brick; fenestration includes 2/1 wood DHS and 2/1 DHS, 1/1 DHS, a 2-story square bay window with Queen Anne-style windows is located on the front facade; the primary entrance contains a pane and panel door under a partial front facade hipped-roof porch, supported by square posts with replaced porch deck and railings; a 2nd story deck is located on the rear facade. |
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Bradford Street (Provincetown, Mass.), Dwellings, and Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown |
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